Composition Benidipine Hydrochloride 8 mg / 4 mg tablets
Mechanism of Action Benidipine: The vasorelaxant effect of benidipine is due to its affinity towards dihydropyridine binding sites in calcium channels. Binding of benidipine with calcium channels inhibits calcium current. The onset of action is slow, which results in minimal tachycardia or palpitation.
Pharmacokinetic's Rapid absorption. Cmax within 2 h. Highest level in the liver and also distribution in the kidneys, plasma, and other tissues. No tissue showed a particularly high accumulation of the drug following repeated oral administrations. Protein binding 98% The percentage urinary excretion of benidipine following an oral dose is about 36%
Side effects Palpitation, facial flushing, hot flushes, chest pressure sensation, headache, dizziness, sleepiness, constipation, nausea, abdominal discomfort, oedema, malaise, tinnitus, redness and warm feeling in the fingers, shoulder stiffness, increased frequency of micturition. Hypersensitive reactions e.g. Rash and itching. Elevation of SGOT, SGPT, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, creatinine and uric acid.
Drug drug interaction -
Precaution Elderly. In case of dizziness or lightheadedness, advise patients against handling of heavy machines or working at elevated spots. Reduce dosage gradually while withdrawing drug. Liver function tests.
Dosage Adult: PO HTN 2-4 mg once daily, up to 8 mg once daily if needed. Angina pectoris 4 mg twice daily

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No. 13-2-94, Sai Nagar, Chaitanyapuri, Hyderabad, R.R. Dist. Telangana - 500060.
